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Shorham UK Open Meeting

Shorham UK Open Meeting

1 August 2017

Firstly, NEVER, EVER, believe the weather forecast. I can't recall what it said - apart from rain, but the breeze we got wasn't predicted. Read More >

Fireball Europeans - British Runners and Riders

Fireball Europeans - British Runners and Riders

19 July 2017

It's time for another big Fireball event! With 75 boats already entered from 8 different countries and the event taking place in Lyme Regis during the height of summer, it's difficult to see this event being anything other than unmissable. Read More >

Irish Leinsters at Skerries

Irish Leinsters at Skerries

17 July 2017

A variety of headlines could be given to this regatta report: "A regatta of two halves", "Consistency pays", "Minimal mistakes pays dividends", "Fireballs survive Mother Nature", "Happy return to Skerries", "17 tired bodies enjoy Fireball sailing at its best". Read More >

Swiss Cup Davosersee

Swiss Cup Davosersee

13 July 2017

Eigentlich setzte der Nordwind am Samstagmittag vielversprechend ein. Aber die Wolken schoben sich aus Südwesten heran. Das wirkte sich dann auf die Qualität der Thermik aus, sowohl in der Strärke als auch in der Richtung. Read More >

Weymouth Regatta UK

Weymouth Regatta UK

10 July 2017

The Fireballs joined the Weymouth Regatta in the hope of some serious practice for the upcoming Europeans at Lyme Regis. However, Portland harbour provided two days of light winds and flat water. Read More >

Swiss Italian Cup Maccagno

Swiss Italian Cup Maccagno

4 July 2017

Schon zuhause nördlich der Alpen wars heiss, wer geht da noch in den Süden? 14 SUI Fireballs wurden über die Alpen gezogen für Maccagno, im Wissen, dass der Lago Maggiore bei Cannobbio zuverlässig Wind produziert, auch bei tropischen Verhältnissen. Read More >

Irish Open - Greystones

Irish Open - Greystones

27 June 2017

For their 2017 Open Championship, the Irish Fireball Class Association departed from their normal two-day, six-race format for provincial championships and held a single day Championship with a target of four races. Read More >

Swiss Cup Hallwilersee in Beinwil

Swiss Cup Hallwilersee in Beinwil

20 June 2017

15 Boote. Samstag und Sonntag sommerlich. Starke Bise im Mittelland. 8 Läufe bei 1-5 Bft. Das Podest: Venhoda / S. Zaugg, Liechti / G. Ernst und Bacher / Bacher / Leemann. Read More >

Hayling Island UK Open Meeting

Hayling Island UK Open Meeting

14 June 2017

The Fireball Open meeting at Hayling Island brought 25 boats to the south coast to enjoy two days of great racing and glorious sunshine. The weekend was shared with both the Merlin and Contender fleets who also had Hayling Open meetings. Read More >

Blightlingsea UK Open Meeting

Blightlingsea UK Open Meeting

7 June 2017

The Fireball fleet arrived at Brightlingsea on the 3rd/4th June for the Eastern Championship. Bright sunshine and 15 knots of wind greeted them. Read More >