1 Fireball International
Fireball International is a Federation of National Class Associations, Affiliated Members, Unaffiliated
Members and Honorary Life Members.
2 Flag
The Class flag shall be square, with a red disc centered on a blue background. For Class racing,
International Numeral Pendant 8 may be used.
3 Mission
The mission of Fireball International is to promote and facilitate Fireball racing and sailing worldwide by:
- Encouraging Fireball racing internationally;
- Promoting strong Fireball fleets throughout the world;
- Maintaining the one design nature of the Fireball class;
- Keeping the boat modern; and
- Promoting communication amongst Fireball fleets and sailors worldwide.
4 Language and Interpretation
The official language of Fireball International is English. The word "shall" is mandatory and the word
"may" is permissive.
5 Governing Law
Fireball International shall be governed by the laws of England.
6 Definitions
As used herein and in the Class Rules, the following shall mean:
a) "Affiliated Members": A person who is a member of a NCA.
b) "Class Rules": The rules governing all matters affecting performance, such as design, measurement
of boats, spars, sails, and equipment.
c) "Council": The governing body of Fireball International.
d) "Executive": The Executive Committee of Fireball International.
e) "Flag Officers": The Commodore and Rear Commodores of Fireball International.
f) "Honorary Life Member": A person so appointed by the Council.
g) "International Fireball": The class of sailing dinghy known as the Fireball, as originally designed by
Peter Milne.
h) "Licensed Builder": A builder holding a valid license from World Sailing for the production of
International Fireballs.
i) "Measurement Certificate": The certificate issued in accordance with the Class Rules.
j) “Member National Authorities (MNAs): The MNAs are the principal members of World Sailing and
are responsible for the decision making process that governs the sailing world.
k) "National Class Association (NCA)": The International Fireball Class National Association organized
in a MNA and recognized by Council.
l) "Sail Number": The registration number allocated by Fireball International for a Fireball dinghy.
m) "Secretary": The person holding such office.
n) "Technical Committee": The committee responsible for the application, interpretation, and review
of proposed modifications of the Class Rules.
o) "Treasurer": The person holding such office.
p) "Unaffiliated Members": A person, ineligible to be a member of a National Class Association, who
has applied and been admitted to membership by Council. If there are more than five such
memberships from a MNA in this category, a NCA may be organized and an application for admission be
submitted to Council.
q) "Valid Measurement Certificate": The Measurement Certificate issued to the current owner, and
for which the current year registration has been paid.
r) "World Sailing": The world governing body for the sport of sailing.
7 Council
7.1 The Council shall be composed of one duly appointed representative of each NCA. Members of
the Executive shall be non-voting members of Council.
7.2 Notwithstanding the definition of a National Class Association (NCA), Shetland shall continue to
be recognized by Council as a NCA, with all associated rights, privileges and obligations.
7.3 Council shall call for nominations for Flag Officers not less than eight months prior to the expiry
of the current term of office. Nominations shall be closed four months prior to the expiry of the current
term of office.
7.4 The Commodore shall be nominated by a NCA and seconded by another NCA. The Rear
Commodores shall be nominated by a NCA in their region and seconded by another NCA.
7.5 In the absence of a nomination, the Council shall appoint the Flag Officer.
7.6 Council, as the case may be, shall elect or appoint the Flag Officers two months prior to the
expiry of the current term of office.
7.7 Flag Officers shall be elected for a term of three years and may be re-elected.
7.8 In the event of a Flag Officer's position becoming vacant, Council shall appoint a replacement to
serve for the balance of the term.
7.9 Council shall hold an Annual General Meeting during the World Championship, or in those
years with no World Championship, during the European Championship, at a date and time to be
notified by the Secretary to every NCA not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. The Notice of
the Meeting shall include the agenda.
7.10 Council shall hold Special General Meetings at the request of the Executive or at the request
of a minimum of 4 NCAs at a date and time to be notified by the Secretary to every NCA not less than
thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. The Notice of the Meeting shall include the agenda. Special
General Meetings may be held via electronic means.
8 Voting Rights
8.1 A NCA shall be in good standing provided it has paid the annual subscription and registration
and has advised Fireball International of the contact details of its current executive, the list of its
members, and the list of its boats. Failure to fulfill these obligations for a period of two consecutive
calendar years shall result in the NCA no longer being a member of Council.
8.2 Each NCA in good standing shall be entitled to eligible votes based on the number of its paid up
members as of December 31st in the year preceding the vote as follows:
- 10 to 25 members: one vote;
- 26 to 50 members: two votes;
- 51 to 100 members: three votes;
- 101 to 150 members: four votes;
- 151 to 250 members: five votes;
- 251 to 350 members: six votes;
- 351 to 500 members: seven votes;
- 501 to 650 members: eight votes;
- 651 to 850 members: nine votes; and
- 851 members or more: ten votes.
8.3 Unaffiliated Members of FI and NCAs with fewer than 10 members shall submit the individual
members’ votes to the Class Secretary. All votes received in this manner shall be aggregated. The Class
Secretary shall apply a minimum of one vote at Council to reflect the majority of such votes received. If
there are more than 25 such individual votes received, a maximum of two votes at Council will be
8.4 Notwithstanding the provision of Article 7.1, in the case of a tie, the Commodore of Fireball
International shall cast the deciding vote.
9 Voting Procedures
9.1 Proposals requiring a decision by Council may be submitted to the Secretary by a NCA or by a
member of the Executive.
9.2 No proposal shall become a Resolution unless seconded.
9.3 Resolutions shall be circulated to Council and Unaffiliated Members within thirty (30) days of
receipt by the Secretary.
9.4 Members of Council and Unaffiliated Members shall have a maximum of thirty (30) days from
the date of circulation of the Resolution to vote in favour or against it.
9.5 The voting shall be by electronic media.
9.6 The results, listing all the NCAs and their votes, shall be circulated by the Secretary to Council
within ten (10) days of the expiry of the voting period.
9.7 Changes to the Constitution shall occur upon Resolution of Council approved by sixty percent
(60%) of total eligible votes, subject, if necessary, to the approval of World Sailing.
9.8 Changes to the Class Rules shall occur upon Resolution of Council approved by sixty percent
(60%) of votes cast, subject, if necessary, to the approval of World Sailing.
9.9 All other decisions, subject to Section 12, shall require a simple majority of votes cast.
10 Subscription and Registration
10.1 The Council shall establish an annual subscription payable to Fireball International by the NCAs
and Unaffiliated Members. The subscription for the NCAs shall be established on the basis of the
number of their Affiliated Members, subject to such minimum subscription as the Council may from
time to time determine.
10.2 Affiliated or Unaffiliated Membership shall be required of helms and crews in order to compete
in Fireball International events.
10.3 Council shall establish a per boat annual registration fee payable to Fireball International by the
NCAs and Unaffiliated Members
10.4 Annual registration shall be required in order to obtain a Valid Measurement Certificate. A Valid
Measurement Certificate shall be required for a boat to compete in Fireball International events.
10.5 Annual subscriptions and registrations shall be payable thirty (30) days after they have been
11 Executive
11.1 The affairs of Fireball International shall be managed by the Executive subject to the authority of
11.2 The Executive shall comprise the Flag Officers, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Chairman of the
Technical Committee, and other appointees, as may be made by the Commodore from time to time.
11.3 Appointments for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman of the Technical Committee,
and other appointees shall be made by the Commodore and ratified by Council for a period to coincide
with the elected term of office. Appointees may be reappointed.
11.4 The Commodore shall be responsible for coordinating all matters of an international nature,
shall exercise a general oversight of the affairs of Fireball International and shall make a report at the
Annual General Meeting. The Commodore shall preside at all General Meetings of the Federation and
Council. In the absence of the Commodore, the Rear Commodores shall choose a Chairman from
amongst themselves. In the absence of the Commodore or Rear Commodore at a meeting of the
Federation, the members shall choose a Chairman from amongst themselves. The Commodore shall not
hold office in a NCA.
11.5 The Rear Commodores shall represent the interests of and coordinate activities within their
geographic regions, namely Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Central Europe and Western
Europe. Central Europe shall include Germany, Switzerland and Italy and all NCAs in Europe further to
the east. Western Europe shall include all other European NCAs.
11.6 The Secretary shall be responsible for the day to day correspondence of Fireball International,
maintenance of its records, the conduct of ballots, notices and minutes of meetings and shall act on
behalf of the Unaffiliated and Honorary Members of Fireball International. The Secretary shall be
responsible for the issuance of Sail Numbers for the Class. The Secretary shall be responsible for liaison
with World Sailing. The Secretary shall not hold office in a NCA.
11.7 The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters of the Federation. The Treasurer shall
have charge of the funds of Fireball International and make such disbursements as the Executive shall
direct, keep accurate financial records, and present an annual financial statement to Council, duly
reviewed by an independent authority. The Treasurer shall not hold office in a NCA.
11.8 The Executive shall be responsible for World Championships and all international events for the
11.9 The Executive shall be entitled to act in emergency without reference to World Sailing by issuing
amendments and interpretations to the Class Rules provided that such amendments and interpretations
shall be promptly notified to Council, World Sailing, NCAs and Licensed Builders.
12 Dissolution
Dissolution of Fireball International shall take place upon resolution of Council approved by sixty percent
(60%) of total eligible votes. In the event of dissolution, the net assets of Fireball International shall be
dispersed as directed by Council.