
Club and Provincial Irish Regattas

7 June 2012

In alternate years (even-numbered years), the four Dun Laoghaire waterfront clubs each host their own one day regatta. In the odd-numbered years since 2005, they have combined their resources to host a four-day event, each of which has been sponsored by Volvo.

In the alternate years to the 4-day Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta (even-numbered years), the four Dun Laoghaire clubs each host a one day regatta. The first of the 2012 DL regattas was hosted by Dun Laoghaire Motor Yacht Club on the Saturday of the June Bank Holiday and saw eight Fireballs contest the event.
Two races were sailed, with winds of 8 - 10 knots in sunny conditions opening proceedings. Neil Colin with apprentice crew Joe (14775) led the first race initially but ultimately gave way to Frank Miller (14713) who in turn ceded the lead and the win to Neil Spain and Francis Rowan (14996).
The wind strength and the weather conditions deteriorated for the second race. 5 knots was the approximate wind speed and the sunshine gave way to grey conditions and finally rain.
Neil Spain and Louis Smyth (15007) contested the positions at the front of the fleet, with the former winning out to take the regatta in overall terms. By virtue of scoring the 2nd place in the 2nd race Louis secured second overall leaving Frank Miller in third overall.
This regatta also saw the long awaited Dublin Bay debut of Ms. Aine O'Gara, who came to our attention when she joined the Fireball family in Sligo for International Week and the World Championships. Never having sailed Fireballs before, but having gained trapeze experience in catamarans, she crewed for the 2nd Australian in Sligo, Patrick Hughes. For the DMYC Regatta she crewed with Mick Creighton (14937).
As the wind died so the rain set in……….as forecast! The Fireballers congregated in the DMYC bar afterwards to conduct the traditional post-mortem on proceedings.
The Irsih Fireball focus reverts to the provincial regatta scene with the Ulsters or Northern Championships being hosted by East Down Yacht Club over the weekend of 16th/17th June. We enjoyed superb hospitality there when we visited 2 years ago, with the Club organizing a midsummer barbecue and a live band to coincide with our visit and that of the Wayfarers. Since then their Fireball fleet has grown to four boats, as a consequence of consolidating the Fireballs in N.Ireland at one venue. As in 2010, we will be sharing the venue, on N.Ireland's east coast's Strangford Lough, with the Wayfarers again this year!