
New Web Site Goes Live

21 September 2012

The new Fireball International web site has been developed by Jono Kingston of Much Media in Adelaide. Ben Schulz from Fireball International has overseen the building process and has been responsible for data input.

The site replaces the old web site which has become rather outdated over time.  Our thanks go out to Franscois Schluchter and all those who have helped to maintain the old site over the years.

Have a wander through the new site and you will see that it is a one stop shop for all things Fireball.

News articles will be posted regularly - hopefully every few days provided we have something to report on. Please get reports and photos in to us asap after an event so we can let everyone know what happened.

The Events page will show all upcoming Fireball events around the world with events pages containing plenty of info on the upcoming regatta, including a google map, directions, accommodation listings, NOR, Entry, and photos.  Results will also be posted here as well as in any news articles.

The For Sale page contains adverts for boats for sale in countries that do not have their own independant web site.  There are links to the classifieds sections in those that do. If you sell your boat please let us know asap so we can remove it.

Under the Worlds tab there are pages on the upcoming world championships in Slovenia as well as the past three events.

The Results section contains tables of results from International and National events. If you have information on your country's nationals and it is not listed, send it through and we would be happy to add it.  Eventually we would like tables for all countries showing a full history of the class.

The admin section has two new important tabs. The first is Marketing and Promotion. On here we list a number of marketing ideas from around the world that have been used to grow the class. More ideas are welcome. The other section is Major Event Organisation which has a range of documents that has been used when running past events including sponsorship letters, grant applications, Notice of Race and much more.

We are still in the process of building pages for the smaller NCA's - particularly Belgium, Germany, Kenya, Namibia and Netherlands.  If you are able to help with information here we would appreciate it.

The rest of the site is pretty self explanatory. Have a look and see what you think.

In particular check out some of the photos under history and interesting stories. They should provide for some chat around the bar over coming weeks.

 Please let us know if you see any errors or wish to add anything to the site. Fresh ideas are always welcome.

Have fun and see you on the water................