
Adelaide SC Season Open

8 October 2012

Sunday saw the opening of the Adelaide Sailing Club season.  The sun was shining, and a westerly breeze between 8 and 15 knots made for perfect race conditions.

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Tom Gordon and Jack Fletcher came out of the start and headed to the right side of the course closely followed by Ben Schulz sailing with new crew Josh Corbett. Robin Inns and Joel Coultas, along with Greg Allison and Richard Watson headed left.  While early the right looked good, it was the left in the end that paid. Tom and Jack managed to get back to the left just before the shift, avoiding the conjestion of the Melges, Sharpies, and 14's. They led around the top mark followed closely by Greg and Richard then Robin and Joel.

On the second reach all sailors had to hail the new Commodore and the dignitaries enjoying the racing from the Catamaran Temptation. The dignitaries replied with a cheer for each competitor.

The second lap saw a change in the lead with Greg and Richard skipping ahead.

Robin and Joel managed to pass Jack and Tom and pushed Greg and Richard hard towards the line.  Greg and Richard managed to hang on though for the first win of the season.

Robin and Joel finished second and Jack and Tom Third.

Ben and Josh plodded along in fourth, providing plenty of entertainment as they learnt how to drop kites at the last minute - oops we missed the mark being the polite version of what came out of the boat.

After sailing the club put on a feast for the hungry yachties. Plenty of nibbles including calamari, prawns, chicken and beef skewers, meatballs, pies, cold meats were on offer.  This was topped off with a 3 hour drinks special ensuring that all went home satisfied.



 Race Winners - Greg Allison and Richard Watson