
D4 P&B Main by Fletcher Sailing

20 October 2012

Jack Fletcher, Australian P & B agent launched a prototype D4 mainsail last week.

The sail is cut to suit the windier Australian conditions. It worked well for a first sail producing a win.

The main looked very space age with the technora strands laid out through the cloth to target the loading points in the sail.

As the boat moved through the water the sail appeared almost blurred, a result of all the curving strands through the cloth.

 Jack Main.jpg


D4 technology is common place in the keel boat market and is slowly creeping into dinghy sailing.

North have been producing a D4 Fireball mainsail for over a year with some solid results.

Dave Wade at P & B has also been working on a D4 mainsail cut to the P & B Cumulus mainsail design.

The sails certainly look cool and provided they are fast you can be sure that over the next few years D4 mainsails will become the norm.

Jack Main 2.jpg Jack Main 3.jpg