
Largs Bay Season Open

12 October 2012



Saturday 6th October, 1300 hours


The Opening ceremony was well attended and held in the comfort of the club house. Commodore Matthew Carter addressed the crowd of distinguished guests, members and friends. Amongst them the State Member for Port Adelaide, Hon Susan Close, the Mayor of Port Adelaide Enfield, Gary Johanson, President YSA, Wayne Thompson, several councillors and representatives from other sailing clubs.

The flag Officers looked a treat in their whites and great to see was the number of past flag officers wearing their blazers to show the LBSC tradition is alive and strong. A highlight of the day was the recognition of our Junior Flag Officers. This has grown from the re-introduced Junior Commodore two years ago to now a full team.

The volunteers did a fantastic job with floral arrangements, distributing orchids to the crowd, afternoon tea and parading past photos on the projector all through the afternoon. The season was officially opened by newly appointed Life Member Greg Hampton after some 34 years as a member and many of them serving on committee or just generally around the club. Then Sarah Main after a hard luck story on X Factor was the star of the show reciting the Australian Anthem.

By 2pm it was time to hit the water. Bill Lucas led the fleet after 7 years away from the helm as Race Officer. Breezes hovered around 22-28 knots which made Bill a bit nervous. Luckily by 2:30 the wind had abated to a consistent 15-18 knots and smooth sailing was had by all. Great to see the largest fleet on Opening Day was the Fireball class. The flagship "Crackerjack" and crew chose to stay in the calm waters of the CYC marina so the sail past was missed out this year. 

On return to the club a dinner of simple Aussie BBQ was served and many drinks and yarns were had by all. Winner of the Gordon Luxton trophy for the Best Dressed Boat went to Int Cadet "Shadow" for their large Adelaide crow cutout and balloons that covered the boat. A great day was had by all especially the Commodore and President who had to stay out partying until 4am on Sunday!!!


Matthew Carter


Largs Bay Sailing Club