
Final Swiss Cup for the Year

5 November 2012

The final Swiss cup was held on November 3 and 4, 2012

Small but competitive fleet of 11 Fireballs at Thalwil/Lake of Zurich for the final 2012 Swiss Cup event. After the snow from last weekend southerly winds brought back the sun and mild temperatures which made the sailing very pleasent. 5 races in 5-10kn S , all won by Mermod/Moser.




1. SUI Mermod / Moser 1-1-1-1-1 4

2. SUI Venhoda/ S. Zaugg 2-3-4-2-2 9

3. SUI Liechti / G. Ernst 4-2-3-5-3 12

4. SUI Ch. Härdi / Landerer 3-6-2-3-5 13

5. SUI Düscher / M. Haschberger 7-4-8-4-6 21

6. SUI Giovanoli / S. Giovanoli 10-5-6-8-4 23

7. SUI Scheller / Eberle dns-10-5-6-7 28

8. SUI Schneibel / Flück 9-9-7-7-8 31

9. SUI M. Erne / Leemann 5-8-dns-dns-dns 37

10. SUI K. Pletscher / Sauer 8-7-dns-dns-dns 39

11. SUI L. Brugger / Bredebals 6-11-dns-dns-dns 41


The Overall Swiss Cup standings can be found on the Swiss Web Site -