
South African National Championships

19 December 2012

Day One Report

After indications that there would be at least 15 Fireballs competing,  just 12 arrived at the Pine Lake venue on Swartvlei. After a damp, misty morning, racing got under way when it cleared, around noon. Four races were completed in a breeze which built as the afternoon went on. There was even a medical emergency when Ryan Barnado got hit in the mouth by a spinnaker pole slipping off the mast. Angela rushed him off to a Sedgefield dentist.

Day Two Report

Strong south easter, getting up well over 20knots. 10 boats sailed two races in the morning, then were allowed to come ashore for lunch, at 14:00.  While it was waited for the wind to abate, the AGM was held. Then further raciing was called for and 8 boats launched after 16:30. Two races were held with the 2nd in a fading wind, coming ashore by 19:30. After 8 races, team Parker leads from Avery / Mare. Then there is a three way tie for third place between Provoyeur / Holm, Laing / Dee and team Gray. Its hoped for at least two races tomorrow, but the forecast is for just a light southerly.

Race start late on Sunday afternoon.

Day Three Report

Last day, completely different. A strong south wester picked up, then died before the 1st race (race 9) could be started. Wind was very puffy and shifty from the south as per the predicted direction, but no strength. Even worse for race 10, which was shortened at the end of the run. Congratulations to team Parker on winning the trophy again. JJ Provoyeur & Ferdinand Holm 2nd. Third place team Gray, also being 1st narrow boat, to get the Manfred Hanni trophy, if Mark McLeod can find it.


SA Results.jpg


Sailors Comments -

Malcolm Osborne

 More on the Manfred Hanni trophy - as well as being a keen Fireball sailor, Manfred had a business in the leather industry and made sailing gloves as part of this, more as a service to sailors than really from a profit perspective. When the `wide boat' design came to this country and the `narrow boat' fell into disfavour, he donated the trophy in order to promote Fireball sailing, esp. in the older `narrow' boats, which he used to sail. The Hanni trophy is a glove design, recalling the sailing gloves which he used to make.


Jean Jacques Provoyeur
The regatta was a blast, nicely organised, all the boats were on the water till the last race, the racing was keen and held in good spirit
and the laughs after made it all worthwhile (as usual) Good luck in building the class up to its former glory....
Angela Caroline Gray
Thanks to all the George Lakes volunteers for all your hard work, especially after working so hard for the Youth Nationals.  Thats
dedication for you.  Well done.  Proud of Jason Gray's helming ability, would appear him & his dad make a good Fireball team