
Australian Nationals Final Day

7 January 2013

After a wasted day of drifting with no wind on Thursday, the fleet arrived for the final day to find the opposite problem in the form of a unpleasantly hot northerly gusting over 30 knots.

With first and second already decided there was little enthusiasm from the rest of the fleet. 

As the morning went on the wind shifted slowly to the west and abated. Around 11:15 it stopped altogether and then shifted to the south - A SEABREEZE PERHAPS????

As the sailors changed and hit the water they soon realised they were only being teased by the gods.  As fast as it had gone south the wind shifted back to the north west coming off the hills to provide 30 degree wind shifts and changed is pressure from 10 to 25 knots.


Race 8 got under way with the fleet heading off to the left then as a pack heading back to the right  Positions shuffled around with pressure playing a huge part as the fleet approached the top mark. Robin and Joel, having won the nationals already were cruising along, again moving into the lead. They were closely followed by Thommo and Eddie then Matt squared.  On the second lap Tom and Jack came through into second and on the final lap Nick and Brett recoded their first podium result moving into third.

The rest of the fleet looked like they would face one more shuffle of the dice as the wind died to a whisper.  All managed to limp across the line just as to all's amazement the wind kicked back in at 20 plus knots.

Race 9

Black flags and general recalls were the order of the day for Heat nine. Robin and Joel got sick of the games and headed to the beach, kindly allowing at least one other boat to win a trophy - How kind we thought!!!!

Thommo and Eddie took up the invitation and quickly opened up a solid lead. The fleet were without the Holiday already enjoying a margarita, plus Tom and Jack, Jon and Elise and Nathan and Dave who had fallen to the black death. Soon the beach became crowded with Kevin and Peta plus surprisingly Greg and Richard joining them with breakages.

As the racing continued Darryl and Damien were involved in a couple of incidents that would lead them to the protest room.

In the tricky conditions - now gusting above 25 knots as a southerly front approached - many boats were trying to fish for the great whites using mains as lewers and legs as bait. (Luckily only one baby one was sighted during the race).

Matt squared and Nick and Brett both continued their good days following Thommo and Eddie across the line. Behind them were some notable results with so many of the boats already toasting the winners on the beach and others upside down.  Well done to Simon and Matt on recording a solid forth and Tim and Ralf snaring a fifth.

Before presentation PRO Mike became Protest Committee member Mike, with Port Lincoln Sailing Club Commodore Ben Kealsey roped in as well. Darryl and Damien were knocked out after the first of two protests went against them, the second protest then being withdrawn.

And so the regatta came to an end with Robin and Joel clear winners, Tom and Jack clear second and Thommo and Eddie sneaking through for third with a great last day.

Robin and Joel were last seen trying to get their pile of trophies into the car for the trip home and debating about which to leave behind.

Thanks must go to Dave and Danielle Godden for all the organising they did. To Mike Rogers and his band of ringins for coming together to provide some top racing and to Port Lincoln for providing good weather, great hospitality and a marvellous venue.

A number of boats carried GO Pro cameras during the event so keep an eye out for videos appearing on the net. Andrew Lloyd took over 2000 photos of the event and links to the photos can be found on the Galleries section of this web site.

We hope to see you all next year in Warrnambool for a shortened regatta running from boxing day to new years. Then we all pack up and head to Thailand again....... Good Times Ahead!!!!!!

Finally......Sorry for the slow posting - the mouse stopped turning the wheel and the internet dropped out. Had to drive 650km's to get a connection.  More photos  and stories will be posted soon so stay tuned.



1 15025 Robin Inns Joel Coultas 7 (26) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1)
2 15071 Tom Gordon Jack Fletcher 16 (26) 2 3 3 (3) 2 2 2 2
3 14777 Michael Thompson Ed Alder 21 1 4 (10) 2 2 4 4 4 (OCS)
3 15032 Greg Allison Richard Watson 26 (26) 5 (6) 4 4 3 3 3 4
5 14811 Matt Carter Matt Neale 34 2 6 (18) 7 (10) 6 5 5 3
6 14786 Nick Fewster Brett Littledike 41 3 3 5 (26) (13) 7 8 9 6
7 15074 Nathan Stockley Dave Kemp 45 (26) 10 7 (26) 5 5 7 6 5
8 14587 David Arnold Michael Arnold 45 (11) 8 2 6 6 10 6 7 (11)
9 14782 Gordon Lucas Chay Haldane 55 6 7 9 (15) 9 8 9 (12) 7
10 15062 Ben Schulz Jeff Schulz 60 (14) 9 4 (12) 7 (11) 10 10 9
11 15049 Nick Gunner Sam Gunner 73 7 (15) 8 10 14 9 (15) 13 12
12 14810 Tyler Flint Scott Flint 74 9 19 (23) 9 8 (OCS) 11 8 10
13 14971 Pete Allison Ian Nadebaum 87 15 12 12 11 (18) 16 13 (18) 8
14 14972 Simon Gunner Matt Allen 94 4 14 13 (18) 17 17 14 (19) 15
15 15072 Jon Emonson Elise Munyard 95 (26) (20) 11 8 16 13 18 (16) 13
16 15000 Darryl Carter Damien Chambers 96 (26) 11 15 (26) 12 15 12 17 14
17 14933 Jim Hughes Heath Belton 97 10 13 16 15 15 20 (22) (22) 18
18 14651 Tom Lloyd James Murphy 105 8 (24) (20) 14 19 14 17 14 19
19 15076 Tim Ninnes Mark McDonald 105 5 18 (21) 16 20 18 (20) 11 17
20 14572 Adam Common Chester Armstrong 110 8 (24) 14 13 11 12 16 (23) 21
21 14650 Don Allen Emily Allen 119 12 21 17 17 (22) 21 (21) 15 16
22 14970 Scott Slater James Belton 134 13 16 (25) 19 23 23 (23) 20 20
23 14503 Dave Godden Danielle Godden 140 16 17 19 21 (DNF) 19 24 24 (24)
24 14747 Lance Rock Hamish Puttman 142 17 22 (22) 20 21 20 19 21 (22)
25 14265 Kevin Luff Peta Luff 165 (26) 23 24 22 24 24 25 (25) 23