
Hermanus Grand Slam - South Africa

28 February 2013

The Hermanus Grand Slam was held on the weekend of 16th - 17th February.

The event had a good turn out with 7 Fireballs forming part of the multi class regatta.

Congratulations to David Laing who won the Fireballs.



Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Ratings: PY, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A

Rank Fleet Helm Crew Club Class SailNo R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett

1st Fireball David Laing Mark Dee GLYC 14901 1 2 2 1 1 (8 DNS) 15 7
2nd Fireball Ryan Avery Janine Move MAC 14383 (8 DNC) 3 1 2 2 8 DNS 24 16
3rd Fireball Cundell Peter Statt Rory Laing GLYC 14321 2 5 4 4 4 (8 DNS) 27 19
4th Fireball Brent Gray Mark McLeod MAC 14344 (8 DNC) 4 3 3 3 8 DNS 29 21
5th Fireball Ant Parker Di Parker GLYC 14723 (8 DNC) 1 8 DNC 8 DNC 8 DNC 8 DNS 41 33
6th Fireball J Perrins A Perrins MAC 9661 (8 DNC) 6 8 DNC 8 DNC 8 DNC 8 DNS 46 38
7th Fireball Sean v Rensburg Carrie Nicholl MAC 14394 (8 DNC) 8 DNC 8 DNC 8 DNC 8 DNC 8 DNS 48 40


In other news -

The class measurers for the coming year are -

Sean Van Rensburg for the Western Cape Region

Dave Laing and Ferdinand Holm for the Eastern Cape Region

Warren Schmelzer for the Northern Region