
Transport to Worlds from UK

19 February 2013

We are now taking bookings for transport to the Europeans / Worlds.


The cost of the transport will be split equally between all takers - though we hope to be able to fill all spaces. We have to fill the first trailer of 9 boats (6 already taken) - at £4,725 (if we have 9 boats, that's £525 each). Subsequent trailers carry 7 boats - at £3,675 each (£525 per boat)

The usual simple service applies - simply drop the boat and kit off in Emsworth, the trailers are loaded for you. On return, the boats will be in Emsworth, offloaded from the trailer for you.

This is what they look like on route

Boats will be required to be dropped off in Emsworth by / on 1st September, and should be available for collection from 23rd or 24th September.

Deposit required is £250.

Contact Richard Anderton - - for further details and booking.



Richard Anderton - 13th February 2013

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