
Swiss Cup Mammern

22 April 2013

The Swiss Fireball season has definitely opened! The first Swiss Cup race weekend started out with snow on the ground and a promise of heavy winds in the afternoon.
In spite of the ghastly weather, Mammern on Lake Constance saw 20 Fireballs arrive on Saturday. Two heats were sailed in shifty, gusty conditions, around 15-20 kn; the cold water seemed to be a good incentive for most - but not all - not to capsize.
On Sunday the wind had died away and after an abandoned race everyone went back to shore. 1st Mermod/Moser, 2nd Venhoda/Zaugg, 3rd Härdi/Landerer and 4th Mudra/Smetana (CZE).

Report (German) and results



1. SUI Mermod / Moser 1-1 2
2. SUI Venhoda/ S. Zaugg 2-2 4
3. SUI Ch. Härdi / Landerer 3-5 8
4. CZE Mudra / Smetana 4-4 8
5. SUI Huber / B. Mauchle 5-6 11
6. SUI Liechti / G. Ernst 6-8 14
7. SUI Düscher / M. Düscher 8-7 15
8. SUI Scheller / Eberle 10-9 19
9. SUI Giovanoli / S. Giovanoli 9-10 19
10. SUI Bacher / M. Erne 7-15 22
11. SUI I. Wäspi / Wäspi 11-11 22
12. GER Nolle / Leemann dsq-3 24
13. SUI Schneibel / Flück 12-13 25
14. SUI Koebel / M. Haschberger 15-12 27
15. GER Hench / Böhm 14-14 28
16. SUI K. Schulze / Schulze 16-16 32
17. SUI L. Brugger / Bredenbals 13-dns 34
18. SUI Graf / A. Graf 17-dns 38
19. SUI R. Schwerzmann / Helbling dns-dns 42
20. SUI Cop / A. Otteny dns-dns 42