
Swiss Nationals - The Unofficial Report

3 June 2013

Unofficial report on the Swiss National Championship am den Langensee in Lugano:

Well the meteorologists had it partially correct. All knew it was going to be cold and this would be well confirmed with snowflakes falling as we entered the St. Gottard tunnel. But the forcast of light to medium winds fortunately was bunk.

As the AP flag dropped on Friday it was blowing like mad. Well over twenty knots blowing directly into the harbour. A few of the big dogs had the courage to launch, though it took an extra person to steady the boats and two others to give a big push into the water. Still others sat on the dock using their legs as bumpers as some boats were blown right back in. The majority of the teams felt it in their best interests to wait it out a bit. Eventually, one by one, most teams made it out onto the water, to be greated with rockin' winds and big whitecaps.    
The committee did a fine job getting in three long races. All the teams battled the big wind and choppy waves. Plenty of boats sailing defensively and showing their bottomsides. At the end of the day, it seemed the weekend might be a two dog fight with the Swiss team of Claude Mermod and Ruedi Moser and the Czech team of Milan Janista and Jakub Napravnik tied with five points each. The next four teams were close together but well back, sitting a point apart with 17's  and 18's.

Saturday again showed the knowledge and shortcomings of the weather prognostigators. It was very cold!! At least for a guy from Arizona. Yet again we were greated with good wind. A bit less brutal then the day before but still plenty of white on top of the waves. Solid winds blowing in the mid to high teens.
By finish time the Mermod/Moser team had fully proved their dominance with three bullets. Another Czech team, Milan Hajek and Michaela Priebischova, surged ahead with two seconds and a fourth. Amazingly Mianne Erne and myself got in our first strong race against a large international field with a 5th place in the second heat of the day. Unfortunately followed by a final race in the twenties to put us in our place. With many very competative Swiss teams, lots of boats saw finishes in both the top ten only to finish other heats in the back of the pack. 
In the evening, the four course Swiss-Italio dinner done by the club was dandy.

The third day finally brought what all the Swissies wanted when they scheduled this race. SUNSHINE!! The day warmed up significantly. Though the change to good weather took away the stormy winds. The committee was only able to get in a single race. And this didn't end on a good note as the gusts went away towards the end of the race and it became a fluke to catch the last remaining breeze. The normal M&M team was leading only to fall back four places in the last two hundred meters. Late boats set up camp untill a secluded puff would push them along.
All to shore. Once the fleet landed it picked up and we were called to launch again, only to wait around on the water till the day was called off.     

The fourth day called for an odd, late 12 o'clock start. some critisized as we missed a fine morning wind. Yet appearantly the Lugano folks have it figured out as we got in three great afternoon heats. Warm weather, sunshine, winds in the mid-teens, Lugano is a great place to live if you like sailing.
Again the Swiss stud team of M&M knocked out three straight bullets. Seconds on the day were split between the Swissies Kurt Venhoda/Sonia Zaugg, Hansueli and Mirjam Backer, and the German/Swiss team of Jorg Nolle and Roger Leemann.

The fine sailing weekend came to an end with the Mermod/Moser team in front, the Czech team of Hajek/Preibischova in second, and Czechs Milan Snajdrand Jan Will working their way into third.
Amazingly the five visiting Czech teams all finished in the top ten. They were asked to bring a few weak teams as fodder next time but we were informed that weak Czech teams don't exist.
The five Italian teams competed well throughout the weekend on their older boats. Most inspiring is the youth and enthusiam of the southern group. With a few more years of experience and some newer equipment they should become a force to reckon with.
There were a lot of good teams at the regatta. All fighting hard and having their ups and downs.
The Lugano sailing club Circolo Velico Lago di Lugano is a wonderful venue. The committee did a great job, the club is just dandy, and all had a fine weekend.


By Clay Poulson

No Sailno Name Scores 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 SUI 14799 MERMOD Claude, MOSER Ruedi, RCO 11.0 1 1 3 1 1 1 (5) 1 1 1
2 CZE 15040 HAJEK Milan, PREIBISCHOVA Michaela, YCLP 36.0 5 6 6 2 2 4 1 (7) 7 3
3 CZE 14956 SNAJDR Milan, WILL Jan, YCLP 49.0 4 4 9 12 4 3 4 (19) 4 5
4 SUI 15090 VENHODA Kurt, ZAUGG Sonja, SVM 53.0 6 9 2 5 (13) 11 2 8 2 8
5 CZE 15078 JENISTA Milan, NAPRAVNIK Jakub, SD 56.0 2 2 1 (22) 12 5 3 9 6 16
6 SUI 14952 BACHER Hansueli, BACHER-HOLLENWäGER Mirjam, SCWe 57.0 7 8 8 (11) 3 7 6 11 5 2
7 CZE 14949 MUDRA Martin, SEDIVAK Krystof, YCLP 67.0 12 3 4 7 10 14 10 3 (16) 4
8 GER 14508 LEEMANN Roger, NOLLE Jörg, ASC 70.0 3 11 5 4 8 2 25 2 10 (dnf)
9 CZE 14521 JEDLICKA Jan, SKODA Michal, NYC 70.0 8 5 12 9 7 (13) 8 4 8 9
10 SUI 14724 HUBER Adrian, MAUCHLE Brigitte, YCRo 88.0 9 7 11 6 (ocs) 10 11 10 17 7
11 SUI 14859 HÄRDI-LANDERER Christina, LANDERER Cédric, DSSC 103.0 11 22 7 19 (ocs) 9 12 6 3 14
12 SUI 14960 LEDERER Melanie, SCHäFER Michael, YCRo 115.0 15 13 13 (dsq) 18 12 13 5 20 6
13 SUI 14419 SCHWERZMANN ROMY, HELBLING Ivo, SCoZ 123.0 23 21 (dnc) 3 15 16 7 17 9 12
14 SUI 14975 DÜSCHER Urs, DüSCHER Monika, DSSC 124.0 16 12 (20) 18 6 18 15 13 15 11
15 SUI 14896 SCHELLER Richard, EBERLE Linus, SCH 129.0 24 10 14 16 (dnc) 6 17 14 13 15
16 ITA 14382 CARLO Zorzi, BORDON Mattia, CNT 139.0 10 15 17 15 9 20 14 (23) 19 20
17 SUI 15063 ERNE Mianne, POULSON Clay, SCH 142.0 18 16 18 17 5 (25) 18 22 11 17
18 ITA 14833 DE LUCA Alessandro, TONELLI Angelo, CVS 143.0 19 (23) 15 14 20 23 9 12 21 10
19 SUI 14921 SUTER BRUNNER Maja, Böhm Thomas, YCB 151.0 20 19 19 13 (ocs) 8 21 20 12 19
20 SUI 14802 GIOVANOLI Gian Andrea, GIOVANOLI Susanne, DSSC 172.0 13 14 10 8 21 19 (dnc) dnc dnc dnc
21 SUI 14890 PATTE Caroline, SAUER Gery, RVS 173.0 21 (24) 23 23 17 22 24 16 14 13
22 ITA 14919 GEORGIA Lippolis, COCUZZA Umberto, AVNO 174.0 14 17 16 24 11 15 19 (dnc) dnc dnc
23 SUI 14863 WÄSPI-BILLETER Ines, WäSPI Steven, SCStM 174.0 17 18 22 20 14 (24) 22 21 22 18
24 SUI 15008 SCHNEIBEL Ernst, FLüCK Bernard, SCSG 180.0 (dnc) 25 21 10 19 17 20 18 dsq 21
25 SUI 15088 BRUGGER Lilly-Anne, HASCHBERGER-LIECHTI Manuela, SCMT 202.0 (dnc) dnc dnc 21 ocs 21 16 15 18 24
26 IRL 14937 MAGGI Davide, LIMARDO David, YCC 218.0 22 20 24 (dnc) 16 26 23 dnc dnc dnc
27 SUI 14589 COP stefan, OTTENY Anya, KCF 230.0 (dnc) dnc dnc 25 22 27 dnc 24 23 22
28 ITA 13765 PONT Matteo, ROBINO Filippo, CNT 236.0 (dnc) dnc dnc 26 23 28 dnc 25 24 23