
Swiss-Cup Davosersee

19 August 2013

2-4 Bft. North wind. 6 races. 15 boats. Usual good race organization.

Once more: 1 Mermod / Moser, 2 Venhoda / Zaugg, 3 Ch Härdi / Härdi.

After the rain cleared an northerly themal breeze settled in around lunch. We went to the skippers meeting and were immediately sent out of the water with the goal of 4 races.

The conditions were treacherous with squalls and switching breeze. Good boat handling and fast tactical decisions were needed. There seemed to be no pattern. As a result after 3 races we had 3 different winners: Mermod / Moser opened a good lead, then came Venhoda / p Zaugg to train and finally Ch Härdi / Härdi.  Hardi  came close to a second win but they were over the line at the start. Venhoda / p Zaugg instead recorded the victory. So they went to bed as a leader.

In Davos dinner is an integral part. Grill pan with risotto and they spoiled us.

On Sunday morning the sky was blue, but no wind. When the breeze returned there was only time for 2 races. The first won Mermod / Moser which moved them to equal points with Venhoda / p Zaugg. So it all came down to the last race. Mermod / Moser came through for the win and overall victory

Thanks to the Davos for the good race organization, great hospitality and fine prices.


1. SUI Mermod / Moser 1-2-4-3-1-1 8
2. SUI Venhoda/ S. Zaugg 2-1-3-1-7-4 11
3. SUI Ch. Härdi / Härdi 8-6-1-ocs-3-3 21
4. SUI G. Giovanoli / Schulze 12-3-2-6-2-8 21
5. SUI Liechti / G. Ernst 3-7-dsq-4-4-7 25
6. SUI Bacher / Knapp 5-12-6-2-9-5 27
7. SUI C. Patte / Sauer 4-9-5-7-5-6 27
8. SUI Düscher / M. Düscher (Sa) / S. Giovanoli (So) 6-5-7-8-10-2 28
9. SUI R. Schwerzmann / Helbling 10-4-8-5-6-11 33
10. SUI Schneibel / Flück 9-8-10-11-12-15 50
11. SUI I. Wäspi / Wäspi 13-dnf-9-10-8-12 52
12. SUI Koebel / M. Haschberger 11-11-11-9-14-10 52
13. SUI Hausammann / C. Hoffmann 7-10-13-12-11-13 53
14. SUI Ch. Graf / J. Graf 14-13-12-13-13-14 65
15. SUI R. Giovanoli / F. Liechti dnc-dnc-dnc-dnc-dns-9 73