
No Racing Final Day of Worlds

21 September 2013

It was always forecast to be light and shifty for the final day of the Fireball World Championships in Portoroz Slovenia.  The AP flag was raised early with competitors held on the beach until just after 12pm.

At that time the PRO decided it was now or never and sent the boats out on to the course.  Initially it was hoped that the breeze would fill into the bay but when it was clear it wasn't going to happen the PRO used the last lifeline and sent the fleet to a new location to try and get a start.

While there was breeze enough to get a start in, the large wind shifts mad it impossible to get a race under way.

With just 25 minutes until the time limit of 3pm the PRO made an attempt to get a race underway.  Unfortunately with 2 minutes to the start there was another major wind change and the start abandoned.

The race committee continued to strive to get a race in but were beaten by the time limit.

As a result yesterdays results stand.

Tom Gillard and Simon Potts are the 2013 Fireball World Champions - Congratulations guys. Especially to Tom who retains the title he won last year with Sam Brearey who comes in a valliant second this year sailing with Christian Birrell. Third place goes to Matt Burge and Richard Wagstaff, our European Champions from last week.



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