
Czech Cup finals

22 October 2013

Just next two weekends after coming back from Slovenia there were two final regattas of Czech Cup at Nové Mlýny.

The first one was sunny (but windless) Saturday followed by much better Sunday, when 27 boats raced in 4 races. The top of the fleet was occupied by candidates for the overal victory in the Cup. Prize giving stage was full of them.

1. Čáp - Procházka

2. Hájek - Preibischová

3. Verner - Winkler

Only these three teams could win teh Cup overal before the last regatta. What's more - all of them had a tie, so the last regatta should show, who's the best.


 The next weekend weather was competely different. Saturday with temperature up to 10°C (sweet Slovenia !!!) and E, S-E wind of 20 knots with gusts up to 35 knots. Only 8 boats finished the first race. All the Cup candidates sailed at the top of the fleet of 22 boats again, but the regatta winners were Kořan - Kvasnik ahead of Verner - Winkler and Čáp - Procházka.


 Final 2013 Cup results after the series were:

1. Verner - Winkler

2. Čáp - Procházka

3. Hájek - Preibischová

For Jarda Verner and Pavel Winkler this was the first overal victory in te Cup - BIG CONGRATULATION guys !!!
