
HPDO _ North America

18 October 2013

Heineken High Performance Dinghy Open (HPDO)

The scoresheet pretty much tells the story…lots of DNC's and DNF's.  This year's edition of the HPDO was windy! Ninety seven boats were registered however the conditions were too much for some of the boats and many didn't sail at all.


How windy was it?

HPDO wind

And that was just Saturday.  Sunday started out even windier with steady winds in the 30 Knot range resulting in a postponement ashore.

But Saturday first.  Winds were in the 20 to 24 knot range but the waves were 8 to 10 feet and very steep. Four boats managed to get to the start line.  The RC (who were looking a little green and seasick) managed to get two races off with everyone capsizing at least once either before or during the races.  Jospe and Egli had a substantial lead in every race and so the fight was for second place and on.  McEvoy and VanRossem were comfortably in second when a gybe wasn't executed well just before the finish on the final downwind.  Once the boat was recovered and the spinnaker squared away Tom Bird and Barbara Kozminski and gone by to claim second.

The second race of the day got underway with only two boats taking the gun.  Tom managed to break his boom and required one of the overworked rescue crew to tow them in leaving Tom and Joe with an uncontested bullet.  Fortunately Fee Mitroupolous had a spare boom in his garage and Tom was able to get squared away in order to race on Sunday.

The after race beer courtesy of Heineken was much appreciated and American Yacht Club hosted an excellent buffet dinner where tales were told of the day's events and numerous door prizes distributed courtesy of APS and Ronstan. And of course there were the usual min-kegs from Heineken on each table.

Sunday began with an AP ashore due to sustained 30 knots.  Eventually the wind moderated (to about 28!) and we were sent out.  The waves were as big as Saturday but much less steep. Four races were sailed with no one having anything for Jospe and Egli.  The start of the fourth race was a little exciting as all of the boats were on the line.  Tom Bird was at the boat and stalled drifting sideways.  McEvoy contemplated going above and then at the last minute bore off below and fouled Jospe and in the process whacked Egli with his boom.  In the ensuing circles McEvoy capsized allowing the fleet to sail away and giving him a challenge to catch-up.  It took until 2/3's of the way down the last leg but he did get back to claim second place ahead of Laura Malonda and Mike Moleski

Final results

Photo highlights are here

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