
Swiss Cup Romanshorn

7 October 2013

Wind forecasts were not good for the weekend: 1 to 3 knots for Saturday, 2 to 4 for Sunday. Plus, several teams were prevented from launching because of sickness and injuries. Still, there was enough wind on Saturday morning to tempt the race officer: the boats were sent out, a race course was set, and then everyone watched the fog lift, the sun appear and the wind die off. After a few hours on shore, when nobody expected it any more, we were sent out again, to sail an evening heat in light but steady trapeze wind. Kurt Venhoda/Sonja Zaugg won this heat, ahead of Hansueli Bacher/Martin Knapp and Gian Giovanoli/Susanne Giovanoli. Then the sun set and darkness soon set in.

Romanshorn13-Sun-2.jpg Romanshorn13-Sun-1.jpg

The club restaurant served a tasty dinner, during which the wind kept rustling the leaves in the big trees outside. And it kept blowing, so when the teams arrived at the club on Sunday morning, they were greeted by some 10-12 knots of wind, pretty big waves and lots of white caps. These conditions allowed for 4 great heats, which were won by Venhoda/Zaugg, Bacher/ Knapp, Melanie Lederer/Michael Schaefer, and again Bacher/Knapp.

Kudos to the organizers and the race officer: Both on land and on the water they did a great job and we always enjoy their hospitality! Romanshorn and Lake Constance proved once again to be an excellent venue - when there is wind.

Final results: 1 Melanie Lederer/ Michael Schaefer, 2 Hansueli Bacher/ Martin Knapp, 3 Kurt Venhoda/ Sonja Zaugg.

Full results | Photos


1. SUI M. Lederer / Schäfer 6-2-2-1-2 7
2. SUI Bacher/ Knapp 2-4-1-6-1 8
3. SUI Venhoda / S. Zaugg 1-1-3-3-4 8
4. SUI Huber / B. Mauchle 4-dns-6-2-3 15
5. SUI Giovanoli / S. Giovanoli 3-5-5-7-5 18
6. GER Nolle / Mikosch 9-3-4-4-dns 20
7. SUI I. Wäspi / M. Erne 5-11-8-5-8 26
8. SUI Schneibel / Flück 8-6-9-10-6 29
9. SUI M. Suter / Schluchter 10-7-7-8-dns 32
10. SUI Koebel / M. Haschberger 11-8-11-9-7 22
11. SUI Liechti / F. Liechti 12-9-10-11-dns 42
12. SUI R. Schwerzmann / Helbling 7-10-dns-dns-dns 43