
Thailand Worlds Approaching Fast

12 November 2013


Fireball International wishes to confirm that the 2014 World Championships, due to be hosted by the Royal Varuna Yacht Club in Pattaya, Thailand will proceed as planned.

The regatta scheduled for the period 22nd March to 4th April 2014 has seen a modest entry level thus far with the largest contingent of confirmed entries coming from Australia. The European response to the regatta has been muted with only enough boats to warrant two containers thus far. This includes both the UK and mainland Europe contingents. There is still a strong likelihood of a container from Japan and talks are taking place re a container from North America.

While FI recognizes that the event is very soon after the very successful Slovenia Worlds and Europeans, the need to provide accessible international events to all National Class Associations means that sometimes the gap between events gets a little too close for comfort.

It is not that long ago that the Mandurah Worlds followed very soon after the Sligo Worlds and indeed the interval for those two events was even less than that between Slovenia and Thailand. The Class has enjoyed fabulous hospitality at the Royal Varuna Yacht Club on our previous two visits and we are assured of the same hospitality in 2014.

The expectation is that the costs of staying in Thailand will be on a par with our last visit in 2008 but it is equally acknowledged that the cost of getting boats there has increased. To help with the container costs Fireball International has come up with a framing system which will allow 12 boats on trolleys to be loaded in a container.  The extra boats will spread the costs, bringing the cost per boat back to a reasonable amount.

 There is still time to book a spot in a container and book a trip of a lifetime to beautiful Thailand.

If you would like more information on shipping Richard Anderton is organising the European container and Ben Schulz the Australian container.

We look forward to seeing you all there.