
Swiss Training in Southern France

28 April 2014

Swiss Fireball Training in Port Camargue, 2014


10 Swiss Fireballs spent the week before Easter at the annual Swiss Fireball Training in the South of France. Malcolm Green, Tim Rush and François Schluchter made an excellent coaching and organizing team that enabled everyone to enjoy the week and learn a lot about sail trim, boat handling and more. The wind ranged from almost zero to good and strong with gusts of about 28 knots, the waves behaved accordingly - so everyone got their favorite conditions on at least one day. During theory sessions on shore, videos and pictures were analyzed, issues discussed, questions answered and exercises explained.


In spite of the hard "work" on the water, everyone gained some pounds due to the excellent lunches at the sailing school and dinners at various restaurants in the vicinity.




Now we're back home and can't wait to start the regatta season - in the meantime we have to make do with the pictures taken by our excellent photographer Urs Härdi.