

7 May 2014

The term of office for the Fireball International Executive is expiring at the end of this calendar year.


The constitution reads:



"7.2 Council shall call for nominations for Flag Officers not less than eight months prior to the expiry of the current term of office. Nominations shall be closed four months prior to the expiry of the current term of office."


Please be advised that nominations are now open, and interested candidates are encouraged to apply for the following positions:

  • Commodore
  • Rear Commodore Africa
  • Rear Commodore North America
  • Rear Commodore Asia
  • Rear Commodore Australia and Oceania
  • Rear Commodore Europe

In order to apply, the Constitution requires that:

7.3 The Commodore shall be nominated by a NCA and seconded by another NCA.

The Rear Commodores shall be nominated by a NCA in their region and seconded by another NCA."

Nominations must be made in writing.

Please submit nominations to the Fireball International Secretary, Andrew Davies at:


The deadline to apply is August 31st, 2014.


The Constitution further provides:

7.4      In the absence of a nomination, the Council shall appoint the Flag Officer.

7.5      Council, as the case may be, shall elect or appoint the Flag Officers two months prior to the expiry of the current term of office.

7.6       Flag Officers shall be elected for a term of three years and may be reelected.



11.3       Appointments for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman of the Technical Committee, and other appointees shall be made by the Commodore and ratified by Council for a period to coincide with the elected term of office. Appointees may be reappointed.


The newly elected members will take over as of 1st January 2015.

A meeting of these members will be convened as soon as practical after this date with the intention of appointing / reappointing the following - 

  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Measurer
  • Technical
  • Publicity
  • Marketing