
2015 Canadian Championships

16 July 2015

The Canadian Championships were held over 3 days this weekend at Lake Newell. We had 3 boats each from BC, Edmonton and Calgary. Four of the teams were new pairings which added to their challenge.
Day one and two saw between. 2-4 knots of wind with temps in the mid 30's with lots of beach time for swimming and relaxing.
Friday evening's entertainment was a rollicking game of volleyball but post racing Saturday we were taking cover from a massive storm which soaked and flooded a number of tents. The wind from Saturday's storm hung around for today's racing and saw winds in the first race at 15-20 kts and gradually increase by race to 25-30 with some gusts up to 35kts. Rob and Wynne won the first race then Debbie and Gregg the 2nd.
Calgary Laser sailor Yeugen Dombrouskiy and crew Andrew Loeppky won the third. Everyone spent a little time in the water and some with multiple capsizes. Debbie and Gregg were most surprised when after righting their boat from a capsize at the leeward mark they looked up to see the same bright yellow mark now perfectly poised atop their mast.
This, of course, necessitated another capsize and swim to rectify the problem!!
The food and hospitality were as always second to none and we sincerely thank John Cormack and crew for a great event!

Full results are here

2015 Canadians 1st

2015 Canadian Champions Debbie Kirkby and Gregg Ferguson.

2015 Canadians 2nd

Second Place - Evelyn Chisholm and Mark Cummings

2015 Canadians 3rd

Third Place- Rob Thompson and Wynn Wright

2015 Canadians Classic Boat

Classic Boat Award - Eugene Dombrowski and Andrew Loeppky