21 December 2022
Sailors can sign up to receive newsletters on 2024.fireballworlds.com/more information on the Subscribe to our Newsletter link.
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Apart from the welcome and the video of sailing at Geelong, the big news is confirmation of the decision to run the World Championship in standard format. With the funding assistance from FI for containers we have made this call not to proceed with the boat sharing option.
We are in the process of working on a charter boat list and in either Newsletter 2 or 3 we plan to provide more information about charter options. But for those sailors keen to use their own boats we hope this first announcement and the prior announcement of subsidy from FI is a welcome piece of news.
Seasons Greetings to you all
Heather Macfarlane
email: heathermacfarlane1@gmail.com
mobile: 0405 161 656