Our mission is to promote and facilitate Fireball racing and sailing worldwide
Encourage Fireball racing internationally
Promote strong fleets around the world
Maintain the one design nature of the class
Keep the boat modern
Promote communication amongst Fireball fleets and sailors worldwide
Plan, promote and hold successful world and continental championships
Encourage new boat purchases
Attract young sailors
Extend FI's global presence
Ensure excellent relations with the industry
Maintain the Fireball status as an international class and build on excellent relations with ISAF
Facilitate trialing and introduce appropriate technological improvements
Institute frequent communiqués from FI and invite input
Action Plan
Formalize and publish a 3 year rolling schedule for World Championships
Consolidate FI oversight on World and continental championship race management and event delivery
Establish and apply championship venue selection criteria
Conduct formal post event assessments and publish results
Define and update best practices for holding championships
Establish and implement mechanisms to expand FI membership
Enable boat builders and sail makers to promote their products on the FI web site
Establish and publish a "Boats Wanted" area on the FI site
Identify Fireball sailors in non-NCA countries and invite association
Create a Marketing and Fleet Development committee
Define and advertise the Fireball "brand"
Invite industry input on Technical committee
Maintain liaison with World Sailing
Maintain a current data base of NCA executive and full membership lists
Institute quarterly reports from FI to membership via web site
Institute quarterly conference calls for executive and NCA representatives
Establish and implement programs to attract young sailors
Collect and track data to evaluate the health of the Fireball fleet and success of our programs. These include number of participants at the World and continental Championships, number of countries represented, average age of sailors, first time participants, boats built, and other relevant data.
Enhance the FI web site and expand the use of social media
The growth pathway (2024)