
Steve Chesney the new FI Commodore

13 February 2015

After a trying four month election process Fireball International are happy to announce that Steve Chesney from the UK has been appointed unanimously as the new Commodore of Fireball International.

At the end of the original election process the vote was near evenly split between Joe Jospe and Pat Crump.  Three contentious votes were the difference between either Pat or Joe winning the election.  These votes were excluded due to the late attempts by these NCAs to come into good standing. A reminder that NCAs need to get their information and payments in on time.

The uncertainty of the validity of the votes above was unfortunate and the changing results were questioned by a number of NCAs.

To avoid any conflict both Joe Jospe and Pat Crump, the original candidates suggested that a unity candidate be found that could bring the fleet together.  Both Joe and Pat should be commended for putting the class ahead of themselves and helping to keep Fireball strong across the globe.

On the back of this the five elected Rear Commodores came together to find a unifying candidate.  A number of names were put forward with Steve Chesney the stand out candidate.

Steve has been involved with the Fireball class for in excess of 25 years.  He has competed in worlds across the globe and was chair of the organising committee for the 2005 worlds in Teignmouth.

Steve is highly respected by all who know him.  He is a great listener and speaks with precision, thought and purpose.

With Steve at the helm Fireball can be assured of a steady sail into the future.


We will leave it to Steve to publish his vision for the class and it's future.


The new executive made up of Steve as chair, the five Rear Commodores -  David Laing, Debbie Kirkby, Hiroshi Kato, Jakob Napravik and Ben Schulz plus Russell Thorne, the UKFA rep have met and are slowly looking into appointments for the other positions on the committee.  If you would like to be involved please contact Steve.  These recomendations for the appointments will be put to council for approval in the near future.


Finally Fireball International would like to that Joe Jospe for his work over the last three years as Commodore. 

We would also like to that Maja Suter and Rob Thompson who have stepped down from their positions of Rear Commodores after many years in the position.  Their input and support of the class has been invaluble.


Stay tuned for more information and some great plans for the future of Fireball.